The collaborative dairy RD&E program for NSW

Unlocking the potential of milk, cow and water to increase productivity and profitability,
de-risk the dairy industry and develop new markets.

Milk with less lactose

Dairy UP’s P9a project is looking for ways to produce cows’ milk with high concentrations of solids and less water.

Markers for cow longevity

Four Dairy UP PhD students presented their work at the 20th Australasian Dairy Science Symposium in Christchurch in November, thanks to support from the University of Sydney Postgraduate Research scheme.

Amazing maize

Four Dairy UP PhD students presented their work at the 20th Australasian Dairy Science Symposium in Christchurch in November, thanks to support from the University of Sydney Postgraduate Research scheme.

Alice Shirley joins USYD after completing her PhD with Dairy UP

Four Dairy UP PhD students presented their work at the 20th Australasian Dairy Science Symposium in Christchurch in November, thanks to support from the University of Sydney Postgraduate Research scheme.

2025 Dairy Symposium – revised dates!

Four Dairy UP PhD students presented their work at the 20th Australasian Dairy Science Symposium in Christchurch in November, thanks to support from the University of Sydney Postgraduate Research scheme.

In conference

Four Dairy UP PhD students presented their work at the 20th Australasian Dairy Science Symposium in Christchurch in November, thanks to support from the University of Sydney Postgraduate Research scheme.

Quick Reads

Pressed for time? Our summary documents give a quick understanding of the scope of Dairy UP.

Executive Summary

Key Achievements


Helping farmers increase
productivity and profitability

De-risking the dairy industry

Developing new markets


3 theme areas
10 projects
5 years
A coordinated network of monitored dairy farms


The Dairy Research Foundation (DRF)
The Program Coordination Group (PCG)
The individual Project Teams (PT)
The Steering & Advisory Board (SAB)


Project releases and updates


Dairy Research Foundation
Dairy UP is located at the Centre for Carbon, Water and Food (CCWF) on Camden Campus, Faculty of Science,
The University of Sydney.

General Enquiries
Phone: (02) 4651 9871

Media Enquiries:
Phone: 0419 349 244