Milk as a monitoring tool  (P2c)

Milk as a monitoring tool (P2c)

Milk as a monitoring tool (P2c) Bulk tank milk and herd test samples could soon provide a greater and cost-effective insight into dairy herd health. Dairy UP’s P2c project: Milk as a diagnostic tool is investigating opportunities to use milk samples as a monitoring...
P2f Infectious diseases update

P2f Infectious diseases update

P2f Infectious diseases update Dairy UP’s Infectious Diseases project has made significant progress recently. As at July 2023, more than 1800 swabs have been collected from about 550 cows and calves on 26 farms.  Analysis of samples is underway, while sampling from...
PhD opportunity

PhD opportunity

PhD opportunity Barbara Brito Rodriguez and her team at NSW DPI (EMAI) are advertising for PhD positions for the DairyUP Infectious diseases project (P2f). The project involves a genomic microbial surveillance of NSW dairy calves. The candidate will be enrolled...
Calf bugs

Calf bugs

Calf bugs In recent months, Barbara Brito Rodriguez and her team have been busy visiting 20 dairy farms to collect samples from sick and health calves as part of Dairy UP’s P2f project – Infectious diseases. The samples will be analysed to build a genome library of...
ARC funding for P2f

ARC funding for P2f

ARC funding for P2f Congratulations to Dr Barbara Brito Rodriguez and the Dairy UP team working on infectious diseases in dairy calves (project P2f) who have received additional $434k funding from the Australian Research Council’s Linkage scheme!  This funding will be...