I’m interested in being involvedin Dairy UP’s farm network NSW dairy farmers with good records are invited to express their interest in being involved with either (or both) of the following projects: Project 1: Unlocking the potential of Kikuyu-based pasturesProject 2: Unlocking the potential of cows in intensified systems Please fill in the form below to express your interest (this will take only a few minutes) More Information (PDF) Enter your farm details Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Farmer's Name *Farm's Name Farm's Address *Address Line 1CityState / Province / RegionPostcode *Email *PhoneAdditional Farm DataTotal useable farm area (ha) number *Milking area (ha) number *Milk production (L/cow,year) *Milk production (total L/year) *Milk solids production (kg/cow,year) *Milk solids production (total kg/year) *No. of milking cows (annual average) *Calving system *Year roundSeasonalSplitHerd management system *YesNoIf Yes, which one? *Irrigation *YesNoIrrigation area (ha) *Irrigation system *Typical amount of water (ML per ha of irrigated land on a typical year) *Grazing or feeding management software? *YesNoIf Yes, which one? *Please answer the following questionsWhich projects are you interested in: P1, P2 or both? *P1P2BothPlease respond to each question. If it does not apply to your operations add in "N/A" Why are you interested in participating? What called your attention/interest? *Do you have, and are you willing to share with the project, farm records for animal production, health, reproduction, pastures, paddocks, etc for at least the last 12 months? *Are you willing to have regular visits by project staff (e.g. technical or project officer/s on your farm?) *YesNoDo you use private consultant/s for professional advice? *Have you participated in State or National RD&E program/s (e.g. Dairy Farm Monitor Project, Focus Farm) before? *(P1) Do you monitor/measure pasture cover regularly? *(P1) Are you interested in, and open to, the idea of managing pastures through remote sensing-derived data? *(P1) What is the total area under Kikuyu-based pastures? *(P2) Do you have automated daily recording of milk yield at a cow level? *(P2) Do you keep daily records of health and reproductive events? *(P2) Do you keep records of your TMR diet/s composition? *Submit