New Kikuyu varieties identified

From L to R: Dr Krista Plett, NSW DPI (EMAI); PhD student Vivien Tan and Prof Richard Trethowan (USYD).
Three new Kikuyu lines have been identified by Project P1c for further screening. This will involve larger plot trials at more locations in 2024. These lines appear to be resistant to disease and grow quickly with high yields over 12 months (in excess of 20 tonnes/ha/year). Their nutritional values are high in terms of crude protein, water soluble carbohydrates and lower fibre.
This project is working collaboratively with P1b: Kikuyu toxicity, led by Dr Barbara Brito Rodriguez and Krista Plett from EMAI (NSW DPI).
Read more or contact project leader Prof. Richard Trethowan, The University of Sydney
About Dairy UP
Dairy UP is a collaborative research, development and extension program for the NSW dairy industry. It aims to unlock the potential of pastures, cows, water and milk to increase productivity and profitability, and de-risk the industry and develop new markets.