Welcome Madison

Madison Luke – Research Officer – Sustainable Partnership project
Dairy UP recently welcomed Madison Luke to the team. She is the new research officer for our “Sustainable Partnership” project with NSW EPA.
The project involves collaboration with Dairy UP researchers working on P1 (Unlocking the potential of Kikuyu-based pastures) and P2 (Unlocking the potential of cows).
Madison was previously working as a research officer with the University of Sydney in the School of Life and Environmental Science, having completed a Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Advanced Science (Animal and Veterinary Bioscience). Her honours project was on using remote monitoring of feeding behaviour to predict feed intake in feedlot cattle.
About Dairy UP
Dairy UP is a collaborative research, development and extension program for the NSW dairy industry. It aims to unlock the potential of pastures, cows, water and milk to increase productivity and profitability, and de-risk the industry and develop new markets.