Podcast: Profit and risks of intensive dairying husbandry

Listen to insights from Sheena Carter and Claire Waterman on the profitability and risks of intensive dairying. Sheena was one of the key researchers for the completed Dairy UP project: P3: Economics of Intensification. In this podcast they report on further findings of the economic analysis of the NSW TMR farms which has continued since the completion of P3. This has been through a follow-on project: Economics of Contained Housing funded by Dairy Australia and Agriculture Victoria with support from NSW DPI. This has enabled the NSW TMR data to be combined with the Northern Victorian TR farm data and analysed.
Listen to the podcast (or search your favourite podcasting app for ‘The Business of Dairy – Intensive Dairying – Profitability and Risk Insights’).
About Dairy UP
Dairy UP is a collaborative research, development and extension program for the NSW dairy industry. It aims to unlock the potential of pastures, cows, water and milk to increase productivity and profitability, and de-risk the industry and develop new markets.