P7: Dairy Businesses for Future Climates *

This project was designed to help dairy farmers understand their options for adapting their production systems and business to the impacts of climate change. 

*This project is now complete

This project took a case study approach for detailed analysis of three different options: to intensify, adapt or simplify. The analysis involved both economics and farm system biophysical modelling to provide an integrated assessment of the case study farm’s options.

Led by Dairy Australia, this project had previously completed case studies for dairy farms in Northern Victoria, Gippsland, South Australia and Tasmania. Dairy UP funding has enabled a NSW case study to be added to the project.

A NSW case study farm was selected, located near Kempsey on the Mid-north Coast. The regional working group of farmers and service providers met several times to discuss options for the farm. Detailed modelling and analytical work was done by Dan Armstrong, a farm business consultant and Brendan Cullen from the University of Melbourne in collaboration with Zita Ritchie from NSW DPI.

Key findings were that managing heat stress a key factor for 2040 for this farming region. No option (intensify, adapt or simplify) was found to be superior, but all have their benefits and risks. However, the adapt option provides a reasonable strategy to mitigate climate impacts of heat stress with moderate capital investment.

“The Business of Dairy” podcast

Listen to Zita Ritchie interview Paula Gray about their experience and learnings as the case study farm in P7.

P7 Lead/co-ordinator:

Zita Ritchie

Zita Ritchie


Project Team:

  • Dan Armstrong (Consultant)
  • Brendan Cullen (University of Melbourne)
  • Paul van Wel (Dairy NSW)
  • Ashley Blake (Dairy Australia Project Manager)

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