P2a: Longevity: Age, Parity and Intensive Herds

P2a: Longevity: Age, Parity and Intensive Herds

Back to P2 projects  P2a: Longevity: Age, Parity and Intensive Herds Getting more milk from cows Cows tend to produce more milk with each lactation. But cows in Australian dairy herds are young. Only 10% of cows produce milk for five lactations or more and about 60%...
P2a – Improving dairy cow longevity through metabolomics

P2a – Improving dairy cow longevity through metabolomics

Dairy UP PhD Projects P2a – Improving dairy cow longevity through metabolomics PhD Student David Sheedy | david.sheedy@sydney.edu.au The longevity of a dairy cow is directly related to the profitability and environmental sustainability of the dairy industry. The...