P1c – Exploring genetic variability of Kikuyu

Kikuyu grass is a C4 grass adapted to both the tropics and temperate climates. It is fast growing and produces more dry matter of higher quality than most C4 grasses. However, the last kikuyu pasture cultivar that was released for grazing (Whittet) was developed more than 40-years ago.

The University of Sydney in collaboration with Hatton’s Turf Research has been breeding improved kikuyu grasses for more than 15-years. These new materials have greater biomass production, tolerance to salinity and drought and represent significant new diversity for nutritional factors. Given that Australia’s pasture lands are increasingly subject to moisture stress and warmer temperatures, this climate ready pasture could provide greater flexibility to the animal industries including dairy.

The industry issue: Current kikuyu pasture cultivars are limited in adaptation, nutritional quality and scope. However, the extent of adaptation in the new materials developed by the University of Sydney and Hatton’s remains largely untested in most dairy producing areas. The nutritional status of these materials when grown in a broader range of environments is also untested. Such information could lead to the release of improved pastures and will provide a basis for continued breeding and selection.

Our aim is to explore and evaluate promising lines of Kikuyu that have been selected for increased biomass production and tolerance to salinity and drought.

Yani Garcia oversees the Dairy UP project

Our approach and methods

Thirteen distinct kikuyu genotypes property of Hatton Turf Research Pty Ltd (Theresa Park, NSW), plus two commercially available varieties (controls) have been evaluated in small replicated plots at the Plant Breeding Institute in Cobbitty.

The plots were exposed to natural conditions. Soil nutrient/moisture and daily weather were assessed throughout the experimental period (using tiny tags at remote locations). Plots were cut for biomass assessment at key periods of the year and rate and extent of re-growth assessed. Materials were screened for nutritive value in addition to local adaptation.

Concurrent pot studies were conducted in a hydroponic system at PBI for more detailed assessment of nutritive traits including NDF, ADF, CP, IVDMD and NDFD. The same traits were assessed in the field at both locations for comparison and determination of stability.


Project Update August 2023

This project is exploring and evaluating promising lines of Kikuyu that have been selected for increased biomass production and tolerance to salinity and drought.

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Seeking DNA donations

As part of the Dairy UP subprogram P1c, we are conducting a DNA survey of kikuyu pastures across southeastern Australia. The purpose of the study is to the evaluate kikuyu varietal diversity across the landscape.

Dairy UP

New Kikuyu varieties identified

Three new Kikuyu lines have been identified by Project P1c for further screening. This will involve larger plot trials at more locations in 2024.

Team Members

Richard Trethowan

Richard Trethowan

Project Leader

You can help

If you are interested in this project or think you may want to be involved at some stage, please contact anyone from the team below.

Project Team:

For more information contact

Prof. Yani Garcia (sergio.garcia@sydney.edu.au) or Prof. Richard Trethowan (richard.trethowan@sydney.edu.au)

This research is funded by the Dairy UP initiative (https://www.dairyup.com.au/) and it is expected to benefit all farmers with kikuyu pastures.