Dairy UP News

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Welcome Celina

Welcome Celina

Celina Laplacette has joined the Dairy UP team. An agronomist and PhD student from Balcarce, Argentina, Celina’s research focuses on pasture monitoring through remote sensing in grazing livestock systems.

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Can you help?

Can you help?

Dairy UP is looking for help from dairy farmers to solve a problem that’s plagued producers for decades – Kikuyu toxicity.

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Resources for resilient farming

Resources for resilient farming

Our collaborator, NSW LLS has updated its Managing drought, fire and flood guide which provides relevant and up to date information to help farmers after major events, including drought.

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From the horse’s mouth

From the horse’s mouth

Hannam Vale, NSW dairy farmer Tim Bale shares his experience with Dairy UP technical officer, Josh Hack in this short video, produced by our Local Land Services partner (NSW LLS).

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Managing cows in wet conditions

Managing cows in wet conditions

With summer in full swing, it’s the time of the year when floods can be unpredictable and destructive. Dairy Australia has resources to help dairy farmers prepare for and recover from floods and what to avoid.

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P5 Our Farm Our Plan

P5 Our Farm Our Plan

Our Farm, Our Plan offers activities to help dairy farmers set long term goals, improve business performance, and manage risk by developing a strategic plan including business and personal goals.

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P1d Carbon on NSW dairy farms

P1d Carbon on NSW dairy farms

The Dairy UP team is working with the NSW Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) to identify and evaluate options towards carbon neutral dairy production.

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Dairy beef

Dairy beef

The Growing Beef from Dairy project is a follow-on project from Dairy UP’s P10 Sustainable Pathways for non-replacement calves.

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Preparing for bushfires

Preparing for bushfires

With the fire season coming up, it’s worth working through Dairy Australia’s bushfire toolkit and Dairy Farm Fire plan.

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Dairy UP’s P2a Longevity project aims to keep the best cows in herds for longer by predicting and preventing diseases that contribute to early culling.

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Heat stress

Heat stress

Dairy UP’s P2d Heat Stress project is uncovering the most effective ways to prevent or minimise the effects of hot, humid weather on dairy cows.

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Congratulations Colin Thompson

Congratulations Colin Thompson

Long term research collaborator, Colin Thompson (Silvermere Holsteins, Cowra NSW) received the 2023 Dairy Science Award for his significant contribution to the dairy industry.  

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Prof Trethowan receives Farrer medal

Prof Trethowan receives Farrer medal

Professor Trethowan received the 2023 Farrer Memorial Medal at an event hosted by The University of Sydney on Thursday 16 November, where he also delivered the traditional winner’s oration.

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Symposium highlights

Symposium highlights

Dairy UP research featured strongly at this year’s Dairy Research Foundation Symposium which was held at the University of Sydney’s Camden campus and Corstorphine Farm on November 7-8.

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Seeking DNA donations

Seeking DNA donations

As part of the Dairy UP subprogram P1c, we are conducting a DNA survey of kikuyu pastures across southeastern Australia. The purpose of the study is to the evaluate kikuyu varietal diversity across the landscape.

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