P1: Unlocking the Potential of Kikuyu

This project is exploring new management options to grow and utilise more Kikuyu over summer and increase the productivity of Kikuyu-based pastures.

P1 includes specific projects investigating the use of using advanced technologies and remote sensing monitoring systems, the genetic diversity of Kikuyu, key antinutritional factors, environmental impact of Kikuyu-based systems, and opportunities for real time prediction and manipulation of its nutritive value for the animals.

P1 project primary activities 

  1. Identify and quantify key impediments to achieve productivity gains from tropical grasses (kikuyu-based pasture) on commercial farms in NSW farms.
  2. Work with 10-15 farms in 3 regions (North Coast; Hunter/Mid Coast; Bega/South Coast) to help them to increase productivity by > 20%.
  3. Integrate remote sensing-derived data with advanced simulation modelling to predict changes in the nutritive value of kikuyu and other species commonly used in NSW.
  4. Identify and quantify genetic diversity in selected dairy-specific traits of kikuyu.
  5. Quantify C emissions on intensively managed pasture-based systems.
  6. Use resources from 1 to 5 to work collaboratively with EMAI to unveil the long-term problem of kikuyu toxicity (poisoning).
  7. Develop (from 2) an orchestrated network of leading farmers and advanced farming systems for innovative extension programs.

P1 Lead/co-ordinator:

Sergio (Yani) Garcia

Sergio (Yani) Garcia

Professor of Dairy Science University of Sydney

PhD Projects:

P1a - Advanced sensor and data analytics for grazing and feeding management

P1b - Genetic x environmental interactions in Kikuyu’s toxicity

P1d - Carbon neutral Kikuyu-pasture systems