P5: Our Farm Our Plan

Helping farmers identify a goal for their farm and develop a road map to achieve it.

Dairy UP’s P5 project involves four areas of work:

    1. Implement the program’s monitoring and evaluation plan and, in addition, conduct research into the impact of the 1:1 support provided to farmers to inform future investment decisions.
    2. Deliver Our Farm, Our Plan workshops to 16-18 groups (total of 220 farms at an average of eight farms per group).
    3. Deliver 1:1 support for farmers through four structured follow up touch points over 24 months – this support will include facilitating a group of farms to enter their performance data through the DairyBase software.
    4. Building regional delivery capacity – this will include Regional Extension Officers (REOs) and private providers including Training and developing REOs, private providers, 3rd party organisations (Rural Financial Counsellors, Processers, Banks, Accountants and Farm Consultants), TAFE and tertiary education providers; some of these private consultants will engage with a subset of farms to work through specific identified issues as a result of the Our Farm our Plan process.

P5 Projects

The Dairy UP Project P5 researches intensive dairy systems

P5 Case Studies

Brad and Deirdre Smith, Greendale NSW

Sammie Smith, Greendale NSW

Sarah Wake, Hunter Valley NSW

Natasha and Rod Yarrington, Dingo Creek NSW

P5 Lead/co-ordinator:

Greg Duncan (Dairy Australia)

Greg Duncan (Dairy Australia)

P5 Project Lead

Project Team:

  •  Neil Webster (Dairy Australia)
  • John Steer (Dairy Australia)

Read More:

Our Farm Our Plan (Dairy Australia website)