What is Dairy UP?

  • 3 Theme Areas
  • 10 Projects
  • 13 Sub-projects
  • 5 years
  • A coordinated network of monitored dairy farms

Helping farmers increase productivity and profitability

Program Activities

Dairy Up is a major research and development program to help NSW farmers unlock the potential of their dairy businesses. It’s a collaboration of the University of Sydney’s Dairy Research Foundation, NSW DPI, Dairy Australia, and Scibus, with support from a range of NSW dairy industry players.

Dairy Up involves 10 projects which address the three keys to unlocking dairy potential: Improving productivity and profitability, de-risking farming systems and developing new markets.

P1 - Unlocking the Potential of Kikuyu

P6 - Future Systems – Dairy Da.T.A

P2 - Unlocking the Potential of the Cow

P7 - Dairy Businesses for Future Climates

P3 - The Economics of Intensification

P8 - Farmer Capability

P4 - Feedbase (Intensive Systems)

P9 - Designer Milk

P5 - Our Farm Our Plan

P10 - Sustainable Pathways for Surplus Calves