P1d – Carbon on NSW dairy farms – OLD

Dairy UP’s 10 projects collectively address on-farm productivity, de-risking the industry and developing new markets.

grazing management

You can help

if you are interested in this project or think you may want to be involved at some stage, please contact anyone from the team here:

Team Leader:

  • Luciano Gonzalez – The University of Sydney – luciano.gonzalez@sydney.edu.au

Project Team:

  • Mulisa Faji – Usyd – PhD Student – mulisa.faji2016@gmail.com

Related Articles

In conference

Four Dairy UP PhD students presented their work at the 20th Australasian Dairy Science Symposium in Christchurch in November, thanks to support from the University of Sydney Postgraduate Research scheme.

Resilient cattle

Dairy UP’s P6a Project is exploring the diversity in dairy cattle responses to heat events with the view to providing data to refine the model used to calculate DataGene’s Heat Tolerance Australian Breeding Value (ABV).

P6a Resilient Cattle (heat tolerance)

Dairy UP’s PhD student, Alice Shirley recently had a review published in the Animal Journal.

Supplements boost profit, reduce GHG

Dairy UP PhD student Mulisa Jaji Dida has recently had an article published in the Journal of Dairy Science, entitled Dietary Concentrate Supplementation Increases Milk Production and Reduces Predicted Greenhouse Gas Emissions Intensity in Pasture-based Commercial Dairy Farms. 

Why is this important?

Kikuyu grass is a C4 grass adapted to both the tropics and temperate climates. It is fast growing and produces more dry matter of higher quality than other C4 grasses.

Furthermore, as climate change impacts all dairying regions, more dairy farm businesses will find themselves subject to weather conditions suitable for growing Kikuyu. This prospect makes the appeal of understanding and harnessing the value of Kikuyu more appealing and relevant to a greater number of dairy farm businesses into the future.

However, to be sustainable, future dairy systems will need to be C neutral and environmentally friendly. It is imperative to quantify the true environmental impact of intensively managed Kikuyu-based systems including impact on C emissions.

Our aim is to identify and evaluate options for C-neutral dairy production from Kikuyu-based systems

Project Update January 2024

carbon neutral dairy farming

Soil chambers measuring C flluxes in Kikuyu-based pasture at Corstorphine dairy farm, Camden, NSW

Our approach and methods…

The work includes a review of literature, establishing of base situation and modelling of C-neutral scenarios (Year 1);  monitoring C emissions from pasture, C sequestration in the soil, as well as quantifying  CH4 and CO2 gases from individual dairy cattle (year 2+). This will be done using the most recent technology including breath analysers for cattle, soil chambers and environmental GHG measuring equipment.  Data acquired from soils, pastures and animals will allow us to quantify the real environmental impact of different production systems and management practices with increased accuracy.

GreenFeed breath analysers for cattle emissions (Waghorn et al., 2016; Denninger et al., 2019) and soil chambers and equipment to measure fluxes of GHG in the environment will be used on research station and/or selected participating commercial farms.  Measurements from animal and soils will be used to fine tune advanced modelling tools to quantify and more accurately predict, true environmental impact of the different production systems.

For more information contact

Prof. Luciano Gonzalez (luciano.gonzalez@sydney.edu.au) at the University of Sydney’s School of Life and Environmental Sciences and Sydney Institute of Agriculture 

This research is funded by the DairyUP initiative (https://www.dairyup.com.au/) and it is expected to benefit all farmers with kikuyu pastures.