P2a: Longevity: Age, Parity and Intensive Herds

P2a: Longevity: Age, Parity and Intensive Herds

Back to P2 projects  P2a: Longevity: Age, Parity and Intensive Herds Getting more milk from cows Cows tend to produce more milk with each lactation. But cows in Australian dairy herds are young. Only 10% of cows produce milk for five lactations or more and about 60%...
P1d – Carbon on NSW dairy farms

P1d – Carbon on NSW dairy farms

Back to P1 projects  P1d – Carbon on NSW dairy farms Kikuyu grass is a C4 grass adapted to both the tropics and temperate climates. It is fast growing and produces more dry matter of higher quality than most C4 grasses. Furthermore, as climate change impacts all...
P1b – Antinutritional factors (toxicity)

P1b – Antinutritional factors (toxicity)

Back to P1 projects  P1b – Antinutritional factors (toxicity) Understanding the cause of kikuyu toxicity will allow researchers to develop new solutions for Australian farmers and minimize kikuyu-related cattle deaths in the future. Kikuyu grass is a common pasture...
P1c – Exploring genetic variability of Kikuyu

P1c – Exploring genetic variability of Kikuyu

Back to P1 projects  P1c – Exploring genetic variability of Kikuyu Kikuyu grass is a C4 grass adapted to both the tropics and temperate climates. It is fast growing and produces more dry matter of higher quality than most C4 grasses. However, the last kikuyu pasture...