Dairy UP News

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PhD Scholarship in Dairy Science

PhD Scholarship in Dairy Science

{Feedbase for intensive systems-Digitising maize for silage)
Up to $40,000 annual stipend scholarship assistance is available to a PhD student where the focus of their research is on the development of new strategies and Feedbase options for intensified Australian dairy systems.

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Partners in practise.

Partners in practise.

The Dairy UP team is grateful for the contribution of farmers from the NSW mid and north coast who participated in a recent Taree workshop about remote pasture monitoring.

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Tech Officer appointments

Tech Officer appointments

We recently welcomed three technical officers to the Dairy UP team: Chloe Wilson who is based in Bega, Josh Hack based on the mid coast and Zac Geldof, based in the Northern Rivers region.

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Dairy UP Introductory video

Dairy UP Introductory video

Dairy UP has produced a short (90 second) introductory video to explain how the various partners and sponsors are working together.
Please circulate the link within your network!

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Dairy UP expands its team

Dairy UP expands its team

Dairy UP welcomes two PhD candidates. Alice Shirley and Maddi Pearson will work with the Dairy Up group that is developing novel monitoring tools to optimise individual animal management, under the supervision of Cameron Clark at the University of Sydney.

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Crunching the numbers on farming systems

Crunching the numbers on farming systems

All dairy farming systems can be profitable if managed well, but preliminary data analysis from NSW’s Dairy UP program suggests there’s more variability in tough seasons for non-grazing systems. That was the message from NSW DPI Development Officer and Dairy Business Advisory Unit leader Sheena Carter, who presented some early farm financial and physical performance information to the Dairy Research Foundation Symposium.

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Data drives future dairy management

Data drives future dairy management

Data could hold the key to a future where calves are weaned according to their rumination development, resilient cows identified to cope with our extreme environments and supplement allocations are optimised within herds.
That’s according to University of Sydney Associate Professor Cameron Clark.

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Dairy Research Foundation 2021 Symposium

Online 17 & 18 November 2021
The 2021 Dairy Symposium will be live online for the second year in a row. We can’t meet face to face this year, but we can take advantage of the technology and just ‘zoom it’.

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Dairy UP hits the ground running

Dairy UP hits the ground running

Dairy Up – the new $16 million research, development and extension program is up and running.

The 5-year program which started in July 2021, is structured around 10 projects which collectively address improving on-farm productivity and profitability, de-risking the industry and developing new markets.

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Researchers call for NSW dairy farmers

Researchers call for NSW dairy farmers

Dairy UP researchers are looking for NSW dairy businesses with good records to join its network of monitored dairy farms.
Program Leader, Professor Yani Garcia, said information collected on the monitored farms would contribute to Dairy UP’s two biggest projects which aim to unlock the potential of kikuyu pastures and unlock the potential of the dairy cow in intense feeding systems.

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University of Sydney leads $16m NSW dairy recovery program

A new collaborative bushfire resilience project including government, the private sector and the University of Sydney, will apply research to future-proof the dairy industry, it was announced by Agriculture Ministers David Littleproud and Adam Marshall today.

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